Where are they?

Mark thought that Lucy and Jack were soon to arrive together in style. While the guests waited for the bride and groom to arrive, they were busy searching for their chairs or chatting with each other in a cheerful manner.
Mark was unable to shake the feeling of anxiety and excitement that crept into him. Mark wanted to make sure they were there before revealing the big surprise.
Calling Mark

Mark was in an awkward situation. As he searched for the bride and the groom, the DJ unexpectedly called his name. He was overwhelmed with panic because the newlyweds weren’t there yet and it was still too early to reveal his surprise.
Mark was unable to think of any quick ideas. This was not how he wanted his big moment to go. He shouted back to buy time: “One moment!”
Guests began to spread rumors as they became aware of Mark’s unease. Mark needed to act fast.