You don’t just want to use it as a dust cloth or hand brush? You can add toothpaste to the procedure for a longer lasting result. Toothpaste cleans, degreases and protects the floor. This slippery substance also attracts dirt. All you need to do then is delete the file.
This is why toothpaste has so many uses. You can use toothpaste for more than you might think. This toothpaste is more useful for cleaning than on teeth.
What am I trying to say? On the next page, you can find it!

We’ve all had it happen: Gum stuck to our hair! It is easier to scrub with toothpaste. Rub the paste onto the gum stain. This method has saved my children from having their hair cut so many times.
Mirrors with bird droppings on them, and windows stained by rain or bird droppings. Combine washing powder and toothpaste. This combination of two ingredients will give you the best results in cleaning windows and other surfaces made from glass. This product also contains a protective coating that you won’t find in any supermarket products.
Consider your car as well. You can use toothpaste to benefit your car as well.