Lewis’s will was made public, revealing the division between Jerry and his two sons
A funeral is a time for the family to say goodbye and come together. People sometimes forget their differences for the sake the funeral. Lewis’ family was not affected. Jerry may have burned bridges too many times with his children.

What turned so many sons of the comedian against him? Lewis’ will makes it clear that there has been tension between him and his sons. This document was made public after Jerry died, and its contents showed how little love was present in the family. The assets of the actor were not divided equally.
Jerry’s Will excluded all the children from his first marriage
Jerry Lewis had a net worth of around $50 million at the time of his death. A good portion of the money was invested in real estate, but a lot of it was also in other assets. He could have divided it up evenly among his children and given them all a fair amount of money. The comedian, however, decided to deny his sons any share of the fortune.

In his will, he wrote that he had “intentionally” excluded the children of his first marriage. He did not give a reason for his decision. But it wasn’t only them. Jerry refused to leave anything for “their descendants,” which meant that any children or grandchildren were also left out. Lewis was not playing around.