Last Straw
Nadya said to Marcos she was desperate for children and so chose other methods. He disagreed. They were unable to see eye-to -eye and this caused them to be at odds. He threatened to leave her if she underwent In Vitro Fertilization therapy (IVF).

The Impossible Choice
Nadya’s heart was broken. She wanted to have children but loved her husband. She sacrificed her marriage in order to achieve her dream of having children through IVF. Although she was thrilled, things did not go according to plan.

No Free Choice
IVF is simple, but not 100% effective. It’s also very expensive. Nadya was determined to succeed after the disappointments. Many experts recommend implantation of several eggs simultaneously, which added another risk.

The Risk
There’s the chance that IVF can successfully implant several eggs into a woman’s uterus. This could result in several children being conceived at once. Nadya didn’t care. She thought that having more children was better. She couldn’t know what would happen.