It’s Shiny
The Curiosity Rover captured this 2021 Mars image, which shows something shiny in the Martian soil. This image only covers 1.6 inches of actual surface, so it’s pretty amazing that the Curiosity rover was able find it.
Could diamonds be found on Mars? Should we also be worried about mining in future? Experts disagree. Researchers have confirmed the shiny object in the soil on Mars is a part of its geology.
Martian avalanche
On Mars, hurricanes aren’t the only natural disasters. Avalanches are also common on the red planet. Even if we switch planets, man will still have to deal with avalanches.
The ice on Mars also melts as the temperature rises, just like it does on Earth. Once the carbon dioxide ice starts to melt, it can cause an avalanche on the cliffs. This Martian avalanche was captured in 2010.