Metal chunk
The Mars Curiosity Rover photographed what appeared to be a metal object sticking out from the surface in 2013. UFO enthusiasts enhanced the image to reveal a metallic item. Conspiracy theories began to suggest that it could be a handle for a secret hatch.
What we know of Mars is mostly based on images taken on the surface. But what if something else exists underground? NASA, of course, dismissed this theory. They claim that the shiny object is most likely a fragment of a meteorite, or a rock reflecting sunlight.
Tadpole crater
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured an image that looked like a small tadpole. This is an impact crater, and the part of the crater that looks like the tail of a toad is the result of the water moving in the landscape.
The NASA experts were able to better understand the strength and activity of the floodwaters by using this image. The “tail” of the tadpole shows how strong water was to create these channels.