The crab hiding in plain sight
A UFO enthusiast with keen eyes was able to see a creature hidden in a photo taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover back in 2015. They zoomed into the image to find a crab-shaped item hidden amongst the rocks.
Social media users have been arguing over whether the enhanced close-up is of a Martian crab, spider or lobster. Experts say this is nothing but a trick with lights and shadows.
The floating spoon
Look at the image below and concentrate on where the red arrow points. Looks like a spoon is floating on top of the rock formation. What is it? There are no spoons in Mars, so what exactly is it?
This image was captured by the Mars Curiosity Rover. NASA says that this is a small piece of surface floating. Gravity on Mars is weaker than on Earth, so structures like this can float on the surface without falling apart.