These days, heart disease is a very common condition. Heart disease is a serious illness and one should try to avoid it. You’ll love these hacks if you want to lower your risk of heart disease. Superfoods are natural and packed with antioxidants, nutrients and other compounds that boost immunity. Diabetes, high blood-pressure, clogged arteries and high cholesterol are all heart-related problems. Most of these issues can be avoided by eating healthy foods and following a healthy diet.

Here are some superfoods to help you kickstart a new health or diet regimen.
Oranges are first on our list. These citrus fruits are not only delicious and refreshing, but also a good way to begin your journey toward heart health. Oranges contain vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients your body and heart need. Pectin is also present in high amounts. It aids in the absorption harmful cholesterol. Oranges contain potassium, which helps to lower your blood pressure. Pectin neutralizes a type of protein which can lead to heart scarring or even worse, heart failure.

Kale is a member the cabbage family and rich in nutrients. This helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Kale has been shown to help prevent heart disease. The search for this food is not easy, but it’s worth it. It contains antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acid and fiber, making it one of the most heart-boosting foods. Kale is low in calories and fat, so you’ll be happy to know that it contains very little.