Weapon Drawn
Davis felt his heart pounding on his ribcage. The rhythmic pounding of the heart drowned all other sounds. Davis held a pistol as a sign of reassurance but also to warn him that danger lay ahead. He saw flashes from his training as he walked toward the sleek white car.

He had to have his gun with him today because of the circumstances. It is safer to be safe than sorry in these uncertain times when you come across a vehicle which has not been registered.
Gives the car
The car remained motionless, as though it was a predator waiting for its prey. The tinted windows of the car hid any signs of life. Davis’s voice echoed authority and uncertainty. He instructed the driver to place the keys on the top of the vehicle and show his hand.

The air was filled with a heavy silence. It seemed to go on forever. The driver reluctantly agreed after what seemed an eternity. Perhaps realizing that further resistance was futile and the severity of the situation, he did so because he realized the futility. They were stuck in a bad situation, and their body language and look showed it.