13. UTIs that occur frequently
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is difficult to ignore because it causes painful symptoms such as burning or sharp pains when urinating. Diabetes increases the risk of these infections because it is difficult for white cells to reach affected areas.
A high blood sugar level can also increase the risk for infections and cause an increased urine volume. Sugary liquids in the bladder can be a breeding ground of infection and increase the risk of a UTI.
If you suspect you may have an UTI, it’s vital to get medical help as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment will help to prevent complications. Controlling blood sugar, staying hydrated and maintaining good hygiene can help to reduce the risk for UTIs, as well as other infections.
14. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility and, unfortunately, often results in insulin resistance.
Up to 50% of women who have PCOS could develop diabetes. Your healthcare provider will likely recommend lifestyle changes to manage blood sugar and reduce the risk for diabetes when you are diagnosed with PCOS.